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Sunset Yoga at Lavender-Blu

  • Lavender-Blu 2375 Bank Road Seagrave, ON, L0C 1G0 Canada (map)

Sunset Yoga at Lavender-Blu

Yoga classes at Lavender-Blu always take place outdoors where you feel the earth beneath your feet, you hear the birds, the sounds of crickets and observe the wildlife that crosses our path such as nesting turtles, praying mantises, blue herons flying overhead or bluebirds singing an evening call.

Sometimes you will be amused about the rooster as he calls out when all is quiet or our goat bleats for her evening dinner ... or just because.

Together we learn to tune into the rhythms of nature, tune out life's noise and focus on our breathing and to stay in the moment.

It's truly a lovely experience - we hope you can join us - registration is available via Bohemian Bliss Yoga.

Sunset Yoga classes take place every Tuesday from 7-8pm - running until mid September.

Make it a full on adventure and visit these Sideroad Stops nearby!

August 31

Live Music Sunday’s at Willowtree Farm

September 7

Live Music Sunday’s at Willowtree Farm